What do we charge for our tax-saving strategies?

Save time and (a lot of) money with our software-powered tax planning solutions.

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Keep more of your
hard-earned gains
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Valur Pricing

First things first: Legacy service providers charge prohibitive up-front fees for uncertain returns. We don't want you to pass up an opportunity because of the cost, so we offer all of this at no cost: Unlimited consultations with our expert team | Generate & finalize your legally valid trust agreement | Establish & maintain trust's financial accounts | Asset appraisal and transfer support.

Use our tools to identify the right strategy. We'll draft your legal documents, set up your accounts, and help you transfer your assets, all at no cost
  • Content & calculators to help you choose your strategy
    Content & calculators to help you choose your strategy

    Use our calculators and content to identify the right tax mitigation strategy for you. Test different assumptions, try different trust formats, review the short- and long-term results, and then get started.
  • Generate & finalize your legally valid trust agreement
    Generate & finalize your legally valid trust agreement

    After a simple onboarding process, we'll present you with a plain-language version of your trust so you know what you're getting. Then, when you're ready, we'll present a final version and help you get it notarized so it's fully legally binding (and so you get all of the tax benefits).
  • Establish & maintain trust's financial accounts
    Establish & maintain trust's financial accounts

    In order to hold your assets, your trust will need a variety of accounts, including custodial accounts to hold public stock, private equities, and the like; and more. We'll set those up for you and make sure they're ready when you need them.
  • Asset appraisal & transfer support
    Asset appraisal & transfer support

    To unlock all of the benefits of your charitable trust, you'll need an appraisal for each of the trust's assets, and you'll have to transfer the initial assets into the trust. We'll facilitate the necessary valuations and help you transfer your assets.
  • Ongoing trust administration & accounting
    Ongoing trust administration & accounting

    Accounting is key feature of charitable trusts. Some of the biggest tax benefits accrue only if you follow a relatively complex set of rules about asset ownership and annual distributions. We'll make sure you don't stumble over anything.
  • Distribution support to optimize your annual payouts
    Distribution support to optimize your annual payouts

    We'll work with you (and your financial advisor, if you choose to have one) to design a distribution schedule that fits neatly into your family's financial plans.
  • Tax- & trust-loss harvesting to increase total payouts
    Tax- and trust-loss harvesting to increase total payouts

    If you choose a NIMCRUT, we can help you increase your returns by an extra 50% over the life of your trust by making a few simple moves every year -- to offset capital gains with any losses, and to reset your cost basis according to trust rules. Let us know if you'd like to learn more.
  • On-demand customer support
    On-demand customer support:

    Self explanatory. At this level, we'll be on call at all hours to make sure your trust is running according to plan. Need help transferring assets into the trust? We're on it. Considering a major investment and want to know how it'll work inside the trust? Just ask.
Work with us to design your trust's setup, trades, and distributions to optimize your returns
$5,000 -$12,500
per trust, per year
  • Up to $5 million of trust assets
    Distribution support to optimize your annual payouts

    We'll work with you (and your financial advisor, if you choose to have one) to design a distribution schedule that fits neatly into your family's financial plans.
  • $5 million to $10 million
    Tax- and trust-loss harvesting to increase total payouts

    If you choose a NIMCRUT, we can help you increase your returns by an extra 50% over the life of your trust by making a few simple moves every year -- to offset capital gains with any losses, and to reset your cost basis according to trust rules. Let us know if you'd like to learn more.
  • $10 million to $15 million
    On-demand customer support:

    Self explanatory. At this level, we'll be on call at all hours to make sure your trust is running according to plan. Need help transferring assets into the trust? We're on it. Considering a major investment and want to know how it'll work inside the trust? Just ask.
  • $15 million +
    On-demand customer support:

    Self explanatory. At this level, we'll be on call at all hours to make sure your trust is running according to plan. Need help transferring assets into the trust? We're on it. Considering a major investment and want to know how it'll work inside the trust? Just ask.

Premium features. Best pricing in the business.
See how we stack up.

JP Morgan

Charles Schwab


Northern Trust

Wilmington Trust


Starting at 0.55%
($15k minimum)

Starting at 0.50%
($5k minimum)

Starting at 0.25%
+ $1500

Starting at 0.40%
($20k minimum)

Starting at 0.60%
($8k minimum)


ROI calculators

Guides & educational content


Trust agreement

Trust account setup & maintenance

Annual trust tax filings & registration

Trust administration & accounting

Asset appraisal & transfer support


Distribution optimization

Tax-loss harvesting



Up to 20 clones per month


Business, Technology

User Limit

1 User


Lottie Animation

3 months

Design Interactions

3 months







Up to 20 clones per month


Business, Technology

User Limit

1 User


Lottie Animation

3 months

Design Interactions

3 months







Up to 20 clones per month


Business, Technology

User Limit

1 User


Lottie Animation

3 months

Design Interactions

3 months






$0 for setup

Legacy service providers charge prohibitive up-front fees for uncertain returns. We don't want you to pass up an opportunity because of the up-front outlay, so we offer all of this at no cost:
  • Unlimited consultations with our expert team
  • Generate & finalize your legally valid trust agreement
  • Establish & maintain trust's financial accounts
  • Asset appraisal & transfer support

$7,500 -$12,500 per year

Once you've funded your trust, we step into the role of trust administrator, accountant, and in some cases, trustee. Here's what you get for your money:
  • IRS registration & annual trust tax filings
  • Ongoing trust administration & accounting
  • On-demand customer support
  • Up to $10 million of trust assets
    Distribution support to optimize your annual payouts

    We'll work with you (and your financial advisor, if you choose to have one) to design a distribution schedule that fits neatly into your family's financial plans.
  • $10 million to $15 million
    On-demand customer support:

    Self explanatory. At this level, we'll be on call at all hours to make sure your trust is running according to plan. Need help transferring assets into the trust? We're on it. Considering a major investment and want to know how it'll work inside the trust? Just ask.
  • $15 million +
    On-demand customer support:

    Self explanatory. At this level, we'll be on call at all hours to make sure your trust is running according to plan. Need help transferring assets into the trust? We're on it. Considering a major investment and want to know how it'll work inside the trust? Just ask.
  • $15 million +
    On-demand customer support:

    Self explanatory. At this level, we'll be on call at all hours to make sure your trust is running according to plan. Need help transferring assets into the trust? We're on it. Considering a major investment and want to know how it'll work inside the trust? Just ask.
* We know what it means to be starting out, so our fees are reduced while your assets are illiquid

$0 for setup

Legacy service providers charge prohibitive up-front fees for uncertain returns. We don't want you to pass up an opportunity because of the up-front outlay, so we offer all of this at no cost:
  • Unlimited consultations with our expert team
  • Generate & finalize your legally valid trust agreement
  • Establish & maintain trust's financial accounts
  • Asset appraisal & transfer support

$5,000 -$12,500 per year

Once you've funded your trust, we step into the role of trust administrator, accountant, and in some cases, trustee. Here's what you get for your money:
  • IRS registration & annual trust tax filings
  • Ongoing trust administration & accounting
  • On-demand customer support
  • Up to $10 million of trust assets
    Distribution support to optimize your annual payouts

    We'll work with you (and your financial advisor, if you choose to have one) to design a distribution schedule that fits neatly into your family's financial plans.
  • $10 million to $15 million
    On-demand customer support:

    Self explanatory. At this level, we'll be on call at all hours to make sure your trust is running according to plan. Need help transferring assets into the trust? We're on it. Considering a major investment and want to know how it'll work inside the trust? Just ask.
  • $15 million +
    On-demand customer support:

    Self explanatory. At this level, we'll be on call at all hours to make sure your trust is running according to plan. Need help transferring assets into the trust? We're on it. Considering a major investment and want to know how it'll work inside the trust? Just ask.
* We know what it means to be starting out, so our fees are reduced while your assets are illiquid

$0 for setup

Legacy service providers charge prohibitive up-front fees for uncertain returns. We don't want you to pass up an opportunity because of the up-front outlay, so we offer all of this at no cost:
  • Unlimited consultations with our expert team
  • Generate & finalize your legally valid trust agreement
  • Establish & maintain trust's financial accounts
  • Asset appraisal & transfer support

$5,000 -$12,500 per year

Once you've funded your trust, we step into the role of trust administrator, accountant, and in some cases, trustee. Here's what you get for your money:
  • IRS registration & annual trust tax filings
  • Ongoing trust administration & accounting
  • On-demand customer support
  • Up to $10 million of trust assets
    Distribution support to optimize your annual payouts

    We'll work with you (and your financial advisor, if you choose to have one) to design a distribution schedule that fits neatly into your family's financial plans.
  • $10 million to $15 million
    On-demand customer support:

    Self explanatory. At this level, we'll be on call at all hours to make sure your trust is running according to plan. Need help transferring assets into the trust? We're on it. Considering a major investment and want to know how it'll work inside the trust? Just ask.
  • $15 million +
    On-demand customer support:

    Self explanatory. At this level, we'll be on call at all hours to make sure your trust is running according to plan. Need help transferring assets into the trust? We're on it. Considering a major investment and want to know how it'll work inside the trust? Just ask.
* We know what it means to be a founder, so ask us about our early-stage fee arrangements

$2,500 per trust year or $10,000 for 5 years of GRAT administration

Our low-cost, comprehensive plan includes the following:
  • Unlimited consultations with our expert team
  • Generate & finalize your legally valid trust agreements with the Rolling GRAT strategy
  • Establish & maintain trust's financial accounts
  • Ongoing trust administration & accounting, with on-demand customer support

Double after-tax returns with Direct Indexing for $25,000 per year

With our innovative Direct-Indexed GRAT, clients looking to optimize the distribution of significant assets can pass on up to 110% more.  
  • Generate and finalize up to 500 GRATs to take advantage of the Direct-Indexed GRAT strategy
  • Unlimited consultations, ongoing administration, and customer support

$1,000 per year

Our low-cost, comprehensive plan includes the following:
  • Unlimited consultations with our expert team
  • Generate & finalize your legally valid trust agreements
  • Establish & maintain trust's financial accounts
  • Ongoing trust administration & accounting, with on-demand customer support

$2,500 per year (New York trustee) | $3,500 per year (South Dakota trustee)

Valur can serve as Trustee of your ILIT. If you name Valur as Trustee, the trust can be set up in New York or South Dakota. If you choose South Dakota, the trust will benefit from South Dakota's favorable trust laws, including zero state tax.

Good news: No fees

Unlike other alternative tax and investment products, a solar infrastructure purchase carries no out-of-pocket fees. All of your tax benefits and income share are calculated based on your full purchase amount.
So how do we get paid? The developer earns some margin on the sale — that's one reason they're in this business — and they pay us a one-time fee for connecting you with them.

Planning for something else?

Are you interested in establishing a dynasty trust, a parent-seeded trust, a family foundation, or another tax-planning account? We're confident we can help, so get in touch!
Learn about our trust administration role — and how we stand out from the crowd. Read more ➞

Premium features. Best pricing in the business.
See how we stack up.

JP Morgan

Charles Schwab


Northern Trust

Wilmington Trust


Starting at 0.55%
($15k minimum)

Starting at 0.50%
($5k minimum)

Starting at 0.25%
+ $1500

Starting at 0.40%
($20k minimum)

Starting at 0.60%
($8k minimum)


ROI calculators

Guides & educational content


Trust agreement

Trust account setup & maintenance

Annual trust tax filings & registration

Trust administration & accounting

Asset appraisal & transfer support


Distribution optimization

Tax-loss harvesting



Up to 20 clones per month


Business, Technology

User Limit

1 User


Lottie Animation

3 months

Design Interactions

3 months







Up to 20 clones per month


Business, Technology

User Limit

1 User


Lottie Animation

3 months

Design Interactions

3 months







Up to 20 clones per month


Business, Technology

User Limit

1 User


Lottie Animation

3 months

Design Interactions

3 months






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